Dear Reader,
The purpose of this blog post is to bring a new kind of awareness for you.
Are you aware of your feelings and beliefs about this new year? Do you have feelings of dread knowing that it’s going to be the same illness, pain, stressors, or maybe just being bored with the same job, same financial situation, same…same…same…
I’m not that much of a new year’s resolution gal, I believe that making small changes in order to transform your life can happen any day and anytime.
So what keeps a person in a situation or mindset that is displeasing to them? Here are 4 examples that come to mind:
#1 reason is FEAR.

Fear is something that we need for our survival, however when left unchecked it can very easily stalemate you. It can & will keep you in a situation that is overwhelming, blocks your potential, and destroys your health.
Fear has a lot of tricks up its sleeves and can manipulate you in a very subtle way. For instance, you may be staying in a job that is sucking the life out of you everyday JUST because you’re worried what people would think. Or have the worry about being financially successful if you were to actually leave and start your own business or to actually achieve that secret dream of yours of being the worlds best street juggler.
The survival and fear center of your brain will do anything it needs to do in order to keep you safe. That includes being embarrassed, making mistakes, being at risk of being judged…
Think about it, is there a hobby or project that you would love to do but don’t because you have a fear that you may not finish it, and you might look bad because of it?… Thats fear stopping you.
What are your fears?
#2 Not believing in POSSIBILITIES.

Having a limited belief can start forming when you are a child. If the adults around you taught you that dreaming, being silly, looking outside the box, etc wasn’t always the best course, this can absolutely impact your beliefs as an adult. If you were taught to always take the logical and safe route, this will drown out the natural beautiful gift we are given as children… which is to believe that anything and everything is possible.
Maybe you have experienced some traumas that swept the rug out from underneath you and has rattled your belief systems. Traumas have such a powerful impact on our development that can still effect us into our elderly years.
Do you have a LIMITED BELIEF system?

Speaking from my own personal experience, I have had more years of doubting myself than living confidently and knowing my own strengths.
I doubted my bodies ability to be able to heal itself, I doubted when people were trying to help me, I doubted love when it was being shown, I doubted my own skills.
When I lived this way, I was absolutely stalemating myself! Even though I wanted more in my life and at a certain level knew I was deserving of better…I doubted anything and everything that was put in place to help crawl out of the cave I was in. My doubts kept me from seeing the bright neon flashing solution that I needed to change everything.
Do you doubt your own capability?

Are you’re finding it difficult to find the inspiration to improve your health and transform your life to an experience that you deserve?
I know exactly what this feels like and it’s so frustrating! It feels as if you’re divided into two different personalities. One half wants and desires to be healthy, travel, be in a loving healthy relationship, have a nice fat abundant bank account. The other half barely wants to get out of bed, the thought of lifting weights, heck even going out for a 20 min walk, meal prepping or looking for a job is exhausting.
This can be due to inflammation, having an imbalanced level of estrogen to progesterone, low thyroid, being high in serotonin, and being overworked and underfed.
When you have a stressed metabolism you will automatically be higher in maladaptive stress hormones. These hormones will make you feel like your head is a fog, easily forgetting words, tasks, memories, etc. It can make an easy task feel like you’re about to climb Mt. Everest, making the idea of transforming your life sound overwhelming and daunting.
I’m telling you this so you will stop feeling guilty and judging yourself for not taking action. There are reasons more complex than you JUST being lazy and having a lack of willpower.
If you Reader, can relate to the feelings of being overwhelmed at the moment and strongly desire a change, here are my suggestions.
- Get coaching and ask for help!
- Do 1 thing everyday to help lower these stress hormones ( like eating more fruit, juice, and staying away from soy, and nuts, sitting in the sun for 15 min)
- Day dream about the life and the quality of health you desire and deserve. Don’t just think about it… FEEL it, get excited as if it has already happened.
- Choose 1 favorite exercise to do and do it for 5 min-10min 3 days a week. Start slow and make it extremely easy to do. I like to have KettleBells or Dumbbells in the living room, and watch T.V. while I knock out a set.
- Be aware of your negative talk and beliefs and cut it out! Every time you start to go down that path stop yourself and start thinking of a positive topic, or change the subject completely. Unresolved anger, negative beliefs, a victim mentality will not help you in the slightest.
But the down and dirty truth is… the people who achieve the health and life that they want, they know they deserve it and they fight for it.
They don’t ignore the suggestions written above, they DO IT! No matter how uncomfortable it feels in the beginning. They stick it out, and everyday make small easy to do changes and then one day they wake up, healthier, out of pain, happier, and allowing love into their lives.
This is can absolutely be you!
If you are ready to let go of the past and be a happier and healthier person, book a free complimentary consultation with Jennifer today!
If you are ready to let go of the past and be a happier and healthier person, book a free complimentary consultation with Jennifer today!

Say yes to your journey now!
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