
How To Control Your Past


In my last blog, I talked about the constriction we feel deep within our bodies due to fear. Today, I want to talk about what happens when we look and feel that fear. 

Some reading this might say, “Why in the world would I want to feel and look at the pain and fear I am caring about?!” (This would be an example of someone who is a reactive nature, unwilling to look at the pain.)We move into acceptance when we take that deep breath and act courageously by acknowledging and feeling that fear.

The path of love is the path of acceptance, which is not a skill or technique, rather it’s seeing. When you take the step to accept something that is painful or uncomfortable, you need to recognize it first. This will only happen when you build up the courage to look at your own pain or inner battle.

Simply just feel the fear. 

Break down what fear really is.

Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals, that cause a physical reaction and sensation in our bodies. Take that deep breath and accept the feeling, don’t try to run or deny this sensation… accept it. As soon as you do so, you will feel a softening in your chest and abdomen, your breath is able to go deeper now. 

The more you practice this, you build the momentum of peace and a feeling of being at ease in your life. As the momentum builds, your life begins to change.

The chaos and stress begin to lessen, and you eventually realize that you feel different. Instead of feeling tense, and exhausted, you are now experiencing the feeling of delight. You begin to move out of the realm of being a victim and start elevating your consciousness to a healthier way of being. Allowing yourself to experience how sweet life can be. 

Is that something you would like to experience?

As the constriction leaves your body you notice you have increased energy and optimism. Everything and anything seems possible again. This is a process, and every time you find or experience a new stressor that makes you contract… you will need to breathe and face the fear again.

Life will always throw curve balls at us… These circumstances give us an opportunity to grow and heal on a deeper level. As time goes by, you will find you no longer will be able to hold grudges or keep yourself from moving forward.

When you can finally accept everything in your life just as it is right now, you will have embraced and accepted your wounds and fears.

Jennifer Tyson

Health & Life Mentor

Dedicated to teaching people all over the world, how to get over their fears, repair their bodies, and become happier beings.

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